Welcome... Willkommen...                                       
Loved and blessed is the whole World! Geliebt und gesegnet ist die ganze Welt!


 Welcome to our Academy

Welcome to our famous and prestigious Intense Taekwondo Academy. At Intense Taekwondo we value every principle(Tenets) of Taekwondo, which are courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. We dedicate our time to teach our students these principles and most importantly to put them into practice. As the old saying says "Practice what you preach."  Intense Taekwondo teaches the traditional style of Taekwondo because we are proud of its roots, but because it has become an Olympic sport we also teach the Olympic style. Being an Olympic sport gives our students the chance to practice and hopefully one day to compete against the best in the Olympics.



Hapkido - World Chun Ki Do Association MASTER ANTOINES HINES

Hapkido - World Chun Ki Do Association MASTER ANTOINE HINES

Hapkido - World Chun Ki Do Association The instructors
Hapkido - World Chun Ki Do Association Master Hines with Instructors

Instructors: Raul Hernandez and Antoine Hines
Raul Hernandez

"I believe that with dedication and commitment anyone can achieve their ultimate goal."

Raul Hernandez started training TaeKwonDo at the age of 15 (21 Years of Training). He has trained Taekwondo ever since without putting it aside. 

He finished High School and College and never used this as an excuse to stop training. 

Raul Hernandez has trained with different masters and instructors throughout his Tae Kwon Do journey. 

He has gained knowledge from every single one of them and now the time has come for him to pass the knowledge of Tae Kwon Do on to Future students at:

Intense Tae Kwon Do

Master Antoine Hines

-In charge of our Hapkido Program


Taekwondo- Opción anti-bullying

Current events showed why we need programs like Taekwondo to help children be raised in a safe and healthy environment. 

For more information call (702)406-8360. New Students, 

Pay $100=Get three months and a Free uniform.

Intense TKD aerial flip

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